is part of Hormozgan Province. There is a strange mountain on the island whose soil is used as a kind of spice by the locals! This seems to be the only edible mountain of the world.
The soil of the mountain is used by the locals to bake fish and bread, and make pickles, jams, and sauces.
The existence of iron oxide has given the soil a red colour. The island is referred to as the world’s largest red soil reserve.
This beautifully-coloured soil has a special place in the native foods of the island. It is used in many seafood recipes and even in a local bread called “Tomshi”. e name is derived from the Farsi phrase “Tou Moshti” which means a handful of something. is is because you need a handful of the dough to bake this special type of bread.
In order to bake this bread, the locals spread a thin layer of dough on a thin tray. Then they add eggs and cheese. At this stage, they add a sauce made from the island’s soil. Next, they add the fish sauce.
The same bread is cooked in neighbouring islands;, but the one in Hormuz has its own special recipe.
The wide-ranging colours of the soil include white, yellow, red, green, orange, beige, brown, light turquoise, and even gold. From a geological perspective, the island is one of the most important salt domes of the world. Due to these features, it is given the name lithology lab.
The agile artists of the island produce handicrafts such as colourful paintings made with their valuable soil, which is also very popular among tourists.
Authors: Iraninfo.
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